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Ancient wisdom
for a modern age

"It is a journey like no other I have known: always the challenges, and always the beauty unfolding."


Our teachings are an opportunity to find the Sacred within us and around us, to connect once more with our Essence and our place within the Web of Creation. Many workshops have become on-going groups, so providing support and holding and the opportunity to integrate the teachings on a deeper level.

They are a place in which the Sacred can find expression, a way of magic and of beauty, of humour and compassion.         


The Medicine Wheels are of Earth and Sky, touching all parts of our lives, bridging past, present and future.  They offer a map of self and cosmos, working with different attributes of the 8 directions. Such maps help us to see ourselves more clearly and to remember who we are, where we have come from, what our purpose is and where we are going.


So often in the Western world, we experience fragments of memory,  as if a way of being once known and cherished is both close and distant, and the part of us that knows seems to have lost the language. The Medicine Wheel brings us back to Source teachings, found in many indigenous cultures where the spirit inhabitants of trees, stones, rivers and mountains have always been experienced as conscious beings, and animals as clan, our relations.  


The Medicine Wheels and Keys are many; forever unfolding, infinite weavings and spirals to be walked as we open to the power of the teachings held within them and come closer to Soul and Soul knowing, of memory and awakening.  It is a journey like no other I have known: always the challenges, and always the beauty unfolding.

There is Healing to be found in the work, ways of bringing balance and harmony to our lives.  For many there is a call to bring change to the way we live individually and collectively, to find a different Dance with the Earth and Sky, so we can be here as Sacred Humans, with the best we can bring of our Humanity, not to poison the Earth but to be a Blessing as we Walk; not to war with each other, but to care for those around us.

We will draw on shamanic practices that deepen our Dreaming and Seeing, moving beyond the concrete reality into that of the non-ordinary world, the nagual or nahuale.


Teachings of the Human Aspects or Shields


As an adult, we may think that our days of childhood are behind us, but most people have experienced times when they feel more child than responsible adult, triggered perhaps in times of hurt, in the wild enjoyment of a snowball fight or in the awe and wonder of a starlit sky. There are times too, when we seem to have an intuitive knowing, a body wisdom that has little to do with the theories we may have studied.

While Western thought may regard these as archetypes - responsible adult, wounded child, magical child, a wise man or woman - the Medicine tradition identifies different "Shields" within the luminous sphere of our energy body. Each aspect or Shield has a different view of the world that is further coloured by past experiences that can obscure the wisdom held in the Shield.


In the teachings of the Shields, we will explore:

East Shield, Spirit Child, bridge to Soul and past lives, with the gift of imagination and unlimited possibilities, blessed with the sacred fires of wisdom and birthed into this Human World;

West Shield, Adult Spirit, with intuitive knowing and body wisdom, infused with the beauty within the darkness, held by earth and connecting us with the Mineral World;

South Shield, Substance Child, a capacity to be totally present in awe and wonder, blessed with the gift of water and flow of emotions, releasing and giving, and holding our connection with the Plant World;

North Shield, Substance Adult, responsible and gifted with heart wisdom, walking in balance and harmony, blessed by the winds and holding our connection to the Animal World;

and our Centre Shield, Gateway to the Soul, wise grandparent with the delight of the child and blessed with the element of space.


The  human “Shields” can dance together in Beauty, bringing their different ways of seeing in co-operation and delight.   At other times, conflicts arise, and we may shut out what is painful and uncomfortable, or turn away from the beauty and gifts we are afraid to embrace.


The intent in this ceremony is to see more of the gifts that our Shields hold, and find ways to bring balance and healing between these different aspects of ourselves.









We offer many other teachings - please enquire and let us know your area of interest.

If you want to gather a group of people who want to receive teahings, we can travel to your area. 


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